Thursday, 17 October 2013

DnwsrImhlw5]jnkypUrnhoeykwm]klIkwlmhwibiKAwmihljwrwKIrwm]1]rhwau]ismirismirTODAY'S HUKAMNAMA FROM SRI DARBAR SAHIB

Sri Amritsar.

[October 17th, 2013 Thursday 05:15 AM. IST]

All the affairs of the Lord’s humble servant are perfectly resolved. In the utterly poisonous Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord preserves and protects his honor.  || 1 ||  Pause  ||   Remembering, remembering God, his Lord and Master in meditation, the Messenger of Death does not approach him. Liberation and heaven are found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; his humble servant finds the home of the Lord.  || 1 ||   The Lord’s lotus feet are the treasure of His humble servant; in them, he finds millions of pleasures and comforts. He remembers the Lord God in meditation, day and night; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to him.  || 2 || 17 || 48 ||

Thursday, 1st Katak (Samvat 545 Nanakshahi) 17th October, 2013     (Page: 682)

hy BweI! prmwqmw dy syvk dy swry kMm sPl ho jWdy hn [ ies JMbyilAW-Bry sMswr ivc, ies v`fI (mohxI) mwieAw ivc, prmwqmw (Awpxy syvkW dI) ie`zq r`K lYNdw hY [1[rhwau[ hy BweI! Awpxy mwlk-pRBU dw nwm muV muV ismr ky (syvkW dy) nyVy Awqmk mOq nhIN FukdI [ syvk gurU dI sMgiq pRwpq kr lYNdy hn jyhVI prmwqmw dw Gr hY[ (ieh swD sMgiq hI auhnW vwsqy) ivSnU dI purI hY, ivkwrW qoN ^lwsI (pwx dI QW) hY [1[ hy BweI! pRBU dy syvkW vwsqy pRBU dy crn hI Awsrw hn, koRVW suKW dw itkwxw hn [ hy nwnk! (AwK—hy BweI!) mYN (BI) aus goibMd ƒ dmodr ƒ idn rwq ismrdw rihMdw hW, qy, suAwmIpRBuApunwinkitnAwvYjwm]mukiqbYkuMTswDkIsMgiqjnpwieEhirkwDwm]1]crnkmlhirjnkIQwqIkoitsUKibsRwm]goibMdudmodrismrauidnrYinnwnksdkurbwn]2]17]48]

Dhanaasaree,FifthMehl:AlltheaffairsoftheLord'shumbleservantareperfectlyresolved.IntheutterlypoisonousDarkAgeofKaliYuga,theLordpreservesandprotectshishonor. ||1||Pause||Remembering,rememberingGod,hisLordandMasterinmeditation,theMessengerofDeathdoesnotapproachhim.LiberationandheavenarefoundintheSaadhSangat,theCompanyoftheHoly;hishumbleservantfindsthehomeoftheLord. ||1||TheLord'slotusfeetarethetreasureofHishumbleservant;inthem,hefindsmillionsofpleasuresandcomforts.HerememberstheLordGodinmeditation,dayandnight;Nanakisforeverasacrificetohim. ||2||17||48||

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